node js write large data to excel

In this sample I am using a node module called ‘ ExcelJS‘. This will stream the data to the file instead of big data in memory (if we are keeping large amount of data in memory, we may get `JavaScript heap out of memory` exception ) this will write to the file

Install the module using npm

npm install exceljs --save

then in the node application just import the module

const Excel = require('exceljs');

const options = {
  filename: 'myfile.xlsx',
  useStyles: true,
  useSharedStrings: true

const workbook = new;

const worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('my sheet');

worksheet.columns = [
    { header: 'Id', key: 'id' },
    { header: 'First Name', key: 'first name' },
    { header: 'Phone', key: 'ph' }

var data;

for(let i = 1; i<= 10; i++){
  data = {
    id: i,
    'first name': "name "+i,
    ph: "012014520"+i


workbook.commit().then(function() {
  console.log('excel file cretaed');

we can use the same module in typescript also

refer : exceljs

Author: bm on October 18, 2018
Category: Uncategorized