software development

Software Development Lifecycle

Software Development Lifecycle

  1. Project Goal
  2. Epic
    1. User based stories
      1. As a [user role] I need to [some behavior or action] so that [business value] eg. As a student I need to see all the topics in one place so that my time is saved to search it at different places.
  3. Requirement Gathering
    1. What needs to be done to achieve the tasks mentioned in user stories
    2. What frameworks you will have to use.
  4. Design
    1. Visual Design
      1. Wireframes
      2. UI flows
    2. Technical Design
      1. Class diagrams
      2. Flowcharts
      3. UML diagrams
  5. Defining stories technically
  6. POC
    1. Implement the heart of the project
  7. Test Cases
    1. QA driven project rather than developer driven
    2. Let QA define test cases
  8. Actual Development
    1. Sprints
    2. Build first approach
      1. Getting dependencies ensured first
      2. Getting everything set up first with dummy data or without actual implementation
    3. Mobile first approach
    4. Different Enviroments
      1. Local
      2. Dev
      3. QA
      4. Demo
      5. Live
By sanket on May 11, 2016 | Software Development | A comment?